It’s a familiar question to many podcasters, but this ask often strikes a particularly vulnerable chord in our comparative and competitive culture. Implied within it is a number worth caring about, a baseline of significance. Unfortunately, this is a belief we typically level at our fellow human beings.
Episode 273: TV as Rich Media
In the many decades since the advent of television, TV shows have prompted all sorts of commentary and critique. Some audiences rave over shows that others never quite get into. Parents perpetually worry about their children’s TV consumption and generational, once-in-a-lifetime events glue many to the silver screen. But, perhaps because of their relative recency in human history, TV shows are rarely discussed or lauded to the same degree as literature, cinema and other narrative forms. How do we juxtapose our private consumption with our public dismissal? What thoughts and feelings do TV shows elicit in us as viewers? How is television a unique medium for stories and other communication?
Episode 272: Between These Eyes of Ink VII
“Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things”
This week, we return to "Between These Eyes of Ink," a series which dissects and considers quotations and the insights they contain. For our seventh episode, we welcome Sam Whipple to help explore the idea that “Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things”. What are the implications of this idea in a modern, highly-opinionated world? What is the difference between having opinions and sharing them? Can we engage without opinion?
Episode 271: Our Seventh Anniversary
In spite of the unexpected shifts in recent years, this week nonetheless marks the seventh anniversary of the podcast. It’s a strange time but also quite hopeful. While this is formally Kathleen’s final episode as a co-host, I remain optimistic about how future conversations will further illuminate our grand map of what it means to be a human being. My thanks to those who provide the space, compassion and curiosity to listen. It is a real honor to produce this show for you and I look forward to bringing you more thought-provoking and introspective conversations.
Yours, in shared humanity,
Episode 270: "Thoughts and Prayers"
When tragedy befalls us or our communities, we’re rarely equipped to handle the sorrow, confusion or emotional gravity of the circumstances. In the modern era, this difficulty meeting the most agonizing moments has been illuminated by the utterances of “thoughts and prayers”. Often in response to great losses and acts of violence, the phrase has come to seem hollow and politically-polarized to many. Are there words that can properly carry the appropriate emotions attendant to these circumstances? For those that say so with sincerity, are there other, more convincing words they could say? Do some use these words in lieu of action?