Episode 81: Remembering David Bowie

I loved David Bowie. We all did. Lonely people cracked open their closet doors because of him. Rabid fans in feathers drove thousands of miles for him. We stared at him in stadiums, on Broadway, on movie screens.
— Elizabeth Mitchell, New York Daily News, Jan. 11, 2016
But there are only two such artists who have immeasurably shaped my perspective as a music fan, critic, and aficionado for whom I can’t recount exactly how and why I found them: Prince and David Bowie.
— Stereo Williams, The Daily Beast, Jan. 11, 2016

Since his passing over two months ago, we knew we wanted to discuss the public response to Bowie and the legacy he leaves behind. He was an artist, a visionary and so thoroughly involved throughout the experimental time in which he lived. But he also made choices during his life that some might question or condemn. We release this episode today because of necessary research and scheduling with our guest, Peter Wear. It is worth considering, given our delay, when we find it appropriate and worthwhile to mourn. How will we remember Bowie? What impact did he have on music and was he truly as singular as many describe him to be? What were his influences and how did he in turn influence spheres of fashion, music, celebrity and personal expression?